Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Canal side trip

I went for a walk along part of the canal towpath this afternoon.

Woody plants in the hedges included hawthorn, elder, bramble and ivy.

Non-woody plants photographed (others were seen) were Ranunculus ficaria (lesser celandine), Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot), an Ajuga species (bugle), Petasites hybrida (butterbur), Cardamine hirsuta (hairy bitter-cress), a small-flowered Veronica (speedwell) and Taraxacum officinale agg. (dandelion).

On the way home the following were photographed in roadside verges - Claytonia siberica (spring beauty), a white-flowered crucifer (Erophila verna?), another Veronica (speedwell), a Cerastium, a Stellaria (chickweed), a Geranium and Picris echioides (bristly oxtounge).

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Cardamine hirsuta

Bitter-cresses are common weeds in the area, and are currently flowering. Plants are of various sizes, with flowering stems varying from 1 inch or less in length to over 6 inches. The two species Cardamine hirsuta and Cardamine flexuosa are confusingly similar. On the 10th I photographed a larger plant growing on the edge of a small municipal estate planting. While the photographs were not very successful, and have been deleted, they were sufficient to count stamens (4) and identify that plant as Cardamine hirsuta.

The list

  1. Acer campestre (field maple)
  2. Acer platanoides (Norway Maple)

  3. Acer pseudoplatanus (sycamore)

  4. Achillea millefolium (yarrow)

  5. Aegopodum podagraria (ground elder)

  6. Aesculus hippocastaneum (horse chestnut)

  7. Ajuga reptans (bugle)

  8. Alisma plantago-aquatica (water plantain)
  9. )
  10. Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard)

  11. Allium ursinum (ramsons)

  12. Alnus glutinosa (alder)

  13. Anagallis arvensis (scarlet pimpernel)

  14. Anchusa arvensis (bugloss)

  15. Anemone nemerosa (wood anemone)

  16. Angelica sylvestris (wild angelica)

  17. Anthriscus sylvestris (cow parslsey)

  18. Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)

  19. Arctium lappa (lesser burdock)

  20. Armoracia rusticana (horseradish)

  21. Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort)

  22. Arum italicum (Italian lords-and-ladies)

  23. Atriplex patula (common orache)

  24. Barbarea intermedia (intermediate-flowered winter-cress)

  25. Bellis perennis (daisy)

  26. Berberis thunbergii (Thunberg's barberry)

  27. Betula pendula (silver birch)

  28. Bidens tripartita (trifid bur-marigold)

  29. Buddleia davidii (buddleia, butteryfly bush)

  30. Caltha palustris (marsh marigold)

  31. Calystegia pulchra (hairy bindweed)
  32. Calystegia sepium (hedge bindweed)

  33. Calystegia silvatica (large bindweed)

  34. Campanula persicifolia (peach-leaved bellflower)

  35. Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepherd's purse)

  36. Cardamine amara (large bitter cress)

  37. Cardamine flexuosa (wavy bitter cress)

  38. Cardamine hirsuta (hairy bitter cress)

  39. Cardamine impatiens (narrow-leaved bitter cress)

  40. Cardamine pratensis (lady's smock)

  41. Carex nigra (common sedge)

  42. Carex otrubae (false fox sedge)

  43. Carex pendula (pendulous sedge)

  44. Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut)

  45. Centaurea nigra (knapweed)

  46. Centaurium erthyraea (common centaury)

  47. Centranthus robur (red valerian)

  48. Cerastium fontanum (common mouse-ear)

  49. Ceratocapnos claviculata (white climbing fumitory)

  50. Chaenorrhinum minus (small toadflax)

  51. Chamaerion angustifolium (rose-bay willow-herb)

  52. Chelidonium majus (greater celandine)

  53. Chyrsosplenium oppositifolium (opposite-leaved golden saxifrage)

  54. Cirsium arvense (creeping thistle)

  55. Cirsium palustre (marsh thistle)

  56. Cirsium vulgare (spear thistle)

  57. Claytonia perfoliata (spring beauty)

  58. Claytonia siberica (pink purslane)

  59. Cochlearia danica (Danish scurvy-grass

  60. Conyza canadensis (Canadian fleabane)

  61. Corydalis lutea (yellow corydalis)

  62. Corylus avellana (hazel)

  63. Crataegus monogyna (hawthorn)

  64. Cymbalaria muralis (ivy-leaved toadflax)

  65. Cytisus scoparius (broom)

  66. Daucus carota (wild carrot)

  67. Digitalis purpurea (foxglove)

  68. Dipsacus fullonum (teasel)

  69. Elytrigia repens (couch grass)

  70. Epilobium hirsutum (great willow-herb)

  71. Epilobium montanum (broad-leaved willow-herb

  72. Epilobium parviflorum (hoary willowherb)

  73. Epilobium roseum (pale willowherb)

  74. Euonymus europaeus (spindle)

  75. Eupatorium cannabinus (hemp agrimony)

  76. Euphorbia helioscopa (sun-spurge)

  77. Euphorbia lathyrus (caper-spurge)

  78. Euphorbia peplus (petty spurge)

  79. Fagopyrum esculentum (buckwheat)

  80. Fagus sylvatica (beech)

  81. Fallopia convolvulus (black-bindweed)

  82. Fallopia japonica (Japanese knotweed)

  83. Filipendulina ulmaria (meadowsweet)

  84. Fraxinus excelsior (ash)

  85. Fumaria officinalis (common fumitory)

  86. Galinsoga parviflora (gallant soldier)

  87. Galeopsis tetrahit (common hemp nettle)

  88. Galium aparine (cleavers)

  89. Galium cruciata (crosswort)

  90. Galium mollugo (hedge bedstraw)

  91. Galium saxatile (heath bedstraw)

  92. Geranium dissectum (cut-leaved cranesbill)

  93. Geranium endressii (French cranesbill)

  94. Geranium lucidum (shining cranesbill)

  95. Geranium molle (dove's foot cranesbill)

  96. Geranium phaeum (mourning widow)

  97. Geranium pratense (meadow cranesbill)

  98. Geranium pusillum (small-flowered cranesbill)

  99. Geranium pyrenaicum (hedgerow cranesbill)

  100. Geranium robertianum (herb robert)

  101. Geum urbanun (wood avens)

  102. Glechoma hederacea (ground ivy)

  103. Gnaphalium uliginosum (marsh cudweed)

  104. Hedera helix (ivy)

  105. Heracleum sphondylium (hogweed)

  106. Hesperis matrionalis) (dame's violet)

  107. Humulus lupulus (hop)

  108. Hyacinthoides hispanica (Spanish bluebell)

  109. Hyacinthoides non-scripta (bluebell)

  110. Hypericum androsaemum (tutsan)

  111. Hypericum maculatum (imperforate St. John's wort)

  112. Hypericum perforatum (perforate St. John's wort)

  113. Hypochaeris radicata (cat's ear)

  114. Ilex aquifolium (holly)

  115. Impatiens capensis (jewelweed)

  116. Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan balsam)

  117. Iris pseudacorus (yellow flag)

  118. Knautia arvensis (field scabious)

  119. Lactuca seriola (prickly lettuce)

  120. Lamiastrum galeobdolon (yellow archangel)

  121. Lamium album (white dead-nettle)

  122. Lamium maculatum (spotted dead-nettle)

  123. Lamium purpureum (red dead-nettle)

  124. Lapsana communis (nipplewort)

  125. Lathyrus aphaca (grass vetchling)

  126. Lathyrus pratensis (meadow vetchling)

  127. Leucanthemum vulgare (ox-eye daisy)

  128. Leycesteria formosa (pheasantberry)

  129. Ligustrum vulgare (privet)

  130. Linaria purpurea (purple toadflax)

  131. Linaria repens (pale toadflax)

  132. Linaria vulgaris (common toadflax)

  133. Lonicera periclymenum (honeysuckle)

  134. Lotus corniculatus (common bird's foot trefoil)

  135. Lotus pedunculatus (greater bird's foot trefoil)

  136. Lunaria annua (honesty)

  137. Lychnis flos-cuculi (ragged robin)

  138. Lycopus europaeus (gypsywort)

  139. Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife)

  140. Malva alcea (hollyhock mallow)

  141. Malva moschata (musk mallow)

  142. Malva neglecta (dwarf mallow)

  143. Malva sylvestris (common mallow)

  144. Matricaria discoidea (pineappleweed)

  145. Matricaria recutita (scented mayweed)

  146. Medicago lupulina (black medick)

  147. Medicago sativa (lucerne)

  148. Mentha aquatica (water mint)

  149. Mentha ×piperita (peppermint)

  150. Menyanthes trifoliata (bogbean)

  151. Mercurialis perennis (dog's mercury)

  152. Moehringia trinervis (three-veined sandwort)

  153. Mycelia muralis (wall lettuce)

  154. Myosotis arvensis (field forget-me-not)

  155. Myosotis laxa (tufted forget-me-not)

  156. Myosotis sylvestris (wood forget-me-not)

  157. Myrrhis odorata (sweet cicely)

  158. Nuphar lutea (yellow water lily)

  159. Nymphaea alba (white water lily)

  160. Odontites vernus (red bartsia)

  161. Oenanthe aquatica (fine-leaved water dropwort)

  162. Oenanthe crocuta (hemlock water dropwort)

  163. Ornithogalum angustifolium (star of Bethlehem)

  164. Oxalis acetosella (wood sorrel)

  165. Oxalis corniculata (procumbent yellow sorrel)

  166. Oxalis exilis (least yellow sorrel)

  167. Papaver atlanticum (Atlas poppy)

  168. Papaver dubium (long-headed poppy)

  169. Papaver rhoeas (corn poppy)

  170. Papaver somniferum (opium poppy)

  171. Parentucellia viscosa (yellow bartsia)

  172. Parietaria judaica (pellitory-of-the-well)

  173. Pentaglottis sempervirens (green alkanet)

  174. Persicaria amphibia (amphibious bistort)

  175. Persicaria bistorta (bistort)

  176. Persicaria maculosa (redshank)

  177. Petasites hybrida (butterbur)

  178. Picris echioides (bristly oxtounge)

  179. Pilosella auriantiaca (orange hawkweed)

  180. Plantago lanceolata (ribwort plantain)

  181. Plantago major (great plantain)

  182. Polygonum arenastrum (equal-leaved knotgrass)

  183. Polygonum aviculare (common knotgrass)

  184. Populus alba (white poplar)

  185. Populus tremula (aspen)

  186. Potentilla anglica (trailing tormentil)

  187. Potentilla anserina (silverweed)

  188. Potentilla recta (sulphur cinquefoil)

  189. Potentilla reptans (creeping cinquefoil)

  190. Primula veris (cowslip)

  191. Prunella vulgaris (self-heal)

  192. Pulicaria dysenterica (common fleabane)

  193. Pulmonaria officinalis (lungwort)

  194. Prunus laurocerasus (cherry laurel)

  195. Prunus spinosa (blackthorn)

  196. Quercus robur (common oak)

  197. Ranunculus acris (field buttercup)

  198. Ranunculus bulbosus (bulbous buttercup)

  199. Ranunculus ficaria (lesser celandine)

  200. Ranunculus repens (creeping buttercup)

  201. Ranunculus scleratus (celery-leaved buttercup)

  202. Raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish)

  203. Reseda alba (white mignonette)

  204. Reseda luteola (weld)

  205. Rhinanthus minor (yellow rattle)

  206. Ribes rubrum (redcurrant)

  207. Ribes uva-crispa (gooseberry)

  208. Robinia pseudoacacia (locust)

  209. Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum agg. (water cress)

  210. Rorippa sylvatica (creeping yellow-cress)

  211. Rosa arvensis agg. (field rose)

  212. Rosa canina agg. (dog rose)

  213. Rosa pimpinellifolia agg. (burnet rose)

  214. Rosa rubiginosa agg. (sweet briar)

  215. Rosa rugosa (Japanese rose)

  216. Rubus fruticosus agg. (bramble)

  217. Rubus idaeus (raspberry)

  218. Rumex acetosa (common sorrel)

  219. Rumex acetosella (sheep's sorrel)

  220. Rumex crispus (curled dock)

  221. Rumex lapathifolius (water dock)

  222. Rumex obtusifolius (broad-leaved dock)

  223. Sagina procumbens (pearlwort)

  224. Salix fragilis (crack willow)

  225. Sambucus nigra (elder)

  226. Scrophularia auriculata (water figwort)

  227. Scrophularia nodosa (common figwort)

  228. Scutellaria galericulata (scullcap)

  229. Sedum acre (biting stonecrop)

  230. Sedum album (white stonecrop)

  231. Sedum rupestre (reflexed stonecrop)

  232. Senecio aquaticus (marsh ragwort)

  233. Senecio erucifolius (hoary ragwort)

  234. Senecio jacobaea (common ragwort)

  235. Senecio squalidus (Oxford ragwort)

  236. Senecio vulgaris (groundsel)

  237. Silene dioica (red campion)

  238. Silene latifolia (white campion)

  239. Silene vulgaris (bladder campion)

  240. Sisyrimbium officinalis (hedge mustard)

  241. Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet)

  242. Solanum nigrum (black nightshade)

  243. Sonchus arvensis (perennial sow-thistle)

  244. Sonchus asper (prickly sow-thistle)

  245. Sonchus oleraceus (smooth sow-thistle)

  246. Sorbus aucuparia (rowan)

  247. Sorbus latifolia agg. (broad-leaved whitebeam)

  248. Spergula arvensis (corn spurrey)

  249. Stachys arvensis (field woundword)

  250. Stachys officinalis (betony)

  251. Stachys palustre (marsh woundwort)

  252. Stachys sylvatica (hedge woundwort)

  253. Stellaria graminea (lesser stitchwort)

  254. Stellaria holostea (greater stitchwort)

  255. Stellaria media (common chickweed)

  256. Stellaria uliginosa (bog stitchwort)

  257. Symphytum officinale (common comfrey)

  258. Symphytum ×uplandicum (Russian comfrey)

  259. Sympharicarpos albus (snowberry)

  260. Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew)

  261. Tanacetum vulgare (tansy)

  262. Taraxacum officinale agg. (dandelion)

  263. Tilia platyphyllos (large-leaved lime)

  264. Tilia ×vulgaris (common lime)

  265. Tragopogon pratensis (goatsbeard)

  266. Trifolium arvense (hare's foot clover)

  267. Trifolium campestre (hop trefoil)

  268. Trifolium dubium (lesser trefoil)

  269. Trifolium pratense (red clover)

  270. Trifolium repens (white clover)

  271. Tripleurospermum inodorum (scentless mayweed)

  272. Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot)

  273. Typha angustifolia (lesser bulrush)

  274. Typha latifolia (bulrush)

  275. Ulex europaeus (gorse)

  276. Urtica dioica (nettle)

  277. Urtica urens (small nettle)

  278. Valeriana officinalis (common valerian)

  279. Verbascum phoenicum (purple mullein)

  280. Veronica agrestris (green field speedwell)

  281. Veronica arvensis (wall speedwell)

  282. Veronica beccabunga (brooklime)

  283. Veronica chamaedrys (germander speedwell)

  284. Veronica filiformis (slender speedwell)

  285. Veronica hederifolia agg. (ivy-leaved speedwell)

  286. Veronica montana (wood speedwell)

  287. Veronica persica (common field speedwell)

  288. Veronica serpyllifolia (thyme-leaved speedwell)

  289. Viburnum opalus (guelder rose)

  290. Vicia cracca (tufted vetch)

  291. Vicia hirsuta (hairy tare)

  292. Vicia sativa (common vetch)

  293. Vicia sepium (bush vetch)

  294. Vicia tetrasperma (smooth tare)

  295. Viola arvensis (field pansy)

  296. Viola riviniana (common dog violet)

  297. Viola ×wittrockiana (pansy)

Awaiting identification

  1. Barbarea sp. (winter-cress)

  2. Betula sp. (birch)

  3. Brassica sp.

  4. Carex sp. ("yellow" sedge)

  5. Chenopodium spp. (goosefoots)

  6. Cornus sp. (dogwood)

  7. Cotoneaster sp. (cotoneaster)

  8. Dactylorhiza sp. (spotted orchid)

  9. Doronicum sp. (leopardsbane)

  10. Hordeum sp (barley)

  11. Iris sp. (iris)

  12. Laburnum sp. (laburnum)

  13. Lamium sp. (dead-nettle)

  14. Luzula sp. (woodrush)

  15. Parthenocissus sp. (Virginia creeper)

  16. Populus sp. (American poplar)

  17. Prunus sp. (cherry)

  18. Ranunculus sp. (crowfoto)

  19. Rumex sp. (dock)

  20. Salix sp. (osier)

  21. Salix sp. (sallow)

  22. Salix sp. (willow)

  23. Solidago sp. (golden rod)

  24. Sorbus sp. (whitebeam)

  25. Spergularia sp. (spurrey)

  26. Triticum sp. (wheat)

  27. Valerianella sp. (cornsalad)

  28. Verbascum sp. (mullein)

  29. assorted cichorioid daisies


A florula is a small flora; that is a description of the plants present in a small area. The purpose of this blog is to document the plants I observe growing wild in the town in which I live and its environs.

The region covered will include the parish which includes the town itself, and parts, of neighbouring parishes. Most of the parish to the east is included (as far as the second of the canals crossing it). Small part of the parishes to the north (as far as the canal) and to the west (as far as the major road crossing it) are included.

This area can be considered a mixture of suburban and rural areas, and includes a variety of habitats, including several lakes, woodland, lowland mosses and arable land.

There will be gaps in the florula, at least until I educate myself on additional groups of plants. For the time being I will restrict the scope to seed plants. I will not attempt to disentangle the Cardamine pratensis, Rubus fruticosus and Taraxacum officinalis aggregates. Although I have now cracked Veronica there remain other genera in which I have difficulty distinguishing species, including Cerastium, Chenopodium, Rosa, Rumex, Salix, Stellaria, the medick/trefoil group, the mayweed/chamonile group, yellow-flowered crucifers, and several genera of cichorioid daisies.