Saturday, 12 April 2008


A florula is a small flora; that is a description of the plants present in a small area. The purpose of this blog is to document the plants I observe growing wild in the town in which I live and its environs.

The region covered will include the parish which includes the town itself, and parts, of neighbouring parishes. Most of the parish to the east is included (as far as the second of the canals crossing it). Small part of the parishes to the north (as far as the canal) and to the west (as far as the major road crossing it) are included.

This area can be considered a mixture of suburban and rural areas, and includes a variety of habitats, including several lakes, woodland, lowland mosses and arable land.

There will be gaps in the florula, at least until I educate myself on additional groups of plants. For the time being I will restrict the scope to seed plants. I will not attempt to disentangle the Cardamine pratensis, Rubus fruticosus and Taraxacum officinalis aggregates. Although I have now cracked Veronica there remain other genera in which I have difficulty distinguishing species, including Cerastium, Chenopodium, Rosa, Rumex, Salix, Stellaria, the medick/trefoil group, the mayweed/chamonile group, yellow-flowered crucifers, and several genera of cichorioid daisies.

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