I went for a walk along part of the canal towpath this afternoon.
Woody plants in the hedges included hawthorn, elder, bramble and ivy.
Non-woody plants photographed (others were seen) were Ranunculus ficaria (lesser celandine), Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot), an Ajuga species (bugle), Petasites hybrida (butterbur), Cardamine hirsuta (hairy bitter-cress), a small-flowered Veronica (speedwell) and Taraxacum officinale agg. (dandelion).
On the way home the following were photographed in roadside verges - Claytonia siberica (spring beauty), a white-flowered crucifer (Erophila verna?), another Veronica (speedwell), a Cerastium, a Stellaria (chickweed), a Geranium and Picris echioides (bristly oxtounge).
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