Friday, 9 May 2008

short botanising expedition

I started a survey of a section of roadside verge, before abandoning it due to the commencement of rain, and a battery low indicator on the camera.

However, over about 100 yards of verge the following were seen - Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard), Anthriscus sylvestris (cow parsley), Cardamine hirsuta (hairy bitter cress), Galium aparine (cleavers), Heracleum sphondylium (hogweed), Plantago lanceolata (ribwort plantain), Ranunculus sp. (buttercup, probably R. acris), Rosa sp. (rose), Rubus fruticosus agg. (bramble), Rumex sp. (dock), Senecio jacobaea (common ragwort), Senecio squalidus (Oxford Ragwort), Senecio vulgaris (groundsel), Taraxacum officinale agg. (dandelion), Urtica dioica (nettle), Veronica sp. (speedwell, small-, pale-flowered), Vicia sp. (vetch) and a bindweed (probably Calystegia sp.).

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