Thursday, 5 June 2008

assorted more plants

Earlier today I walked through the largest area of local woodland to see if I could identify any more woodland plants. No additional woodland plants were seen. However

* On the way there two cichoroid daisies (thought to be a Hieracium and a Pilosella) were seen in a roadside verge.

* In a wet area in a field just before reaching the wood a celery-leaved buttercup (Ranunculus scleratus) and a yellow crucifer (perhaps creeping yellow cress (Rorippa sylvestris) were seen.

* On the shores of the artificial lake in the wood a suspected occurrence of brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) was confirmed. This is also a local locality for yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) and yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea). A duckweed and a water cress are also present..

* On the banks of the far canal, as part of the return trip (via the supermarket) there was a lesser stitchwort (Stellaria graminea). (Greater stitchwort is fairly common regionally, but I don't seem to have recorded it within the Florula Prima area.).

* Just before reaching home I noticed a rowan (Sorbus aucuparia sapling at the edge of the car park at the end of the old railway line.

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