Sunday, 8 June 2008

The old railway line

I walked the accessible length of the old railway line that runs behind my garden this evening. Plants noted :-

Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga): at two localities, to add to the more distant locality already recorded.

Guelder rose (Viburnum opalus): I have seen this elsewhere, but have not recorded it because it may have been planted. I don't think that the specimens along the old railway line were likely to have been planted.

A dock (Rumex sp.): could be either wood dock (Rumex sanguineus) or clustered dock (Rumex conglomeratus). Hopefully it will be identifiable when it flowers.

Greater stitchwort (Stellaria holostea): checking my photographs it seems that I also recorded this back in April, to the north of the Florula Prima are, but didn't record it at the time as I hadn't settled the northern boundary at that time.

A figwort (Scrophularia sp.): probably common figwort (Scrophularia nodosa).

Black medick: medicks and trefoils are a confusing group of legumes with ternate leaves and heads of yellow flowers. I think that the two common species in the area are lesser trefoil (Trifolium dubium) and hop trefoil (Trifolium campestre), but similar species include slender trefoil (Trifolium micranthum), large trefoil (Trifolium aureum), bur medick (Medicago minuta), toothed medick (Medicago polymorpha), spotted medick (Medicago arabica) and black medick (Medicago lupulina). Lucerne and sickle medick (Medicago sativa and clovers (other Trifolium spp.) are distinguishable from these by habit, leaf shape, or flower colour. At the far end of the old railway line, in among other trefoils and clovers, were some plants with relatively large flower heads, and with a small mucron in the apex of the emarginate leaf - which is the key character given from distinguishing this from hop trefoil.

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